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Student Wellness

The following resources are to provide for University Students' physical and health needs:

Student Health and Counseling Services:    

The new Student Wellness Center "will expand the existing student health facility located at the University of Chicago Medical Center on 59th Street and Maryland Avenue and will feature a dedicated entrance on 59th Street for greater ease of access. The new space will bring together medical, counseling and psychiatry, and health promotion services in one location, enabling us to provide wellness programming and integrated care in a welcoming and student-centered environment, with increased medical and mental health providers on staff".

Photo Source And Description: UChicago Student Wellness

UChicago Student Wellness believes that good health is essential for academic success. At the University of Chicago, students have access to coordinated and comprehensive medical care, counseling, psychiatry, and health promotion services targeted at building and maintaining overall well-being.

Student Health Insurance
USHIP is the insurance provided by the University. If needed, you are able to opt into this insurance of waive USHIP for your own health insurance for similar coverage. For more information, refer to the FAQ on the Student Insurance Page.

Student Disability Services:
The Student Disability office allows students with disabilities to access the tools they need to be successful at the University. Some of their responsibilities include establishing and disseminating criteria for the use of disability services, and receiving, reviewing, and storing confidential disability documentation to support a student’s eligibility for disability services and accommodations.

Fitness at UChicago
Whether recreational or competitive, athletics at the University of Chicago enrich the lives of students, promote and support healthy living, and strengthen a vibrant and diverse campus community that inspires excellence.