Interview with Juan Apiz, Cancer Biology PhD 2023
Q: What does a typical day look like for you?
A: Works in a biochemical lab and arrives at around 8-9 am. The first thing that gets done is computer work, including checking emails, etc. Benchwork starts at 10 am and continues after a short lunch/nap break. [He] typically works 10-hour workdays, in order to devote time for reading, as well as wet lab, and arrives back home at around 7-8 pm. During the pandemic, [his] schedule has changed a little bit; computer work (reading lab papers, manuscript writing, and email correspondence) is done at home, but [his] day in the lab still starts at 10. Lab days are planned several days in advance to get benchwork done efficiently.
Q: What was the most difficult part of conducting your research?
A: The most difficult part is organizing yourself, and establishing time management skills. There is a lot less structure in grad school so knowing when you need to be productive and establishing your own system of getting work done can be difficult.
Q: Has finding funding been difficult?
A: Finding funding has not been an issue, due to full support from [his] PI as well as grant manager. [He] is currently applying for a grant, which is a lot of work but definitely worth it as this type of writing and skill will be useful for the future.
Q: Why did you choose UChicago? What drew you to this program specifically?
A: The CCB community and the people in the city of Chicago.