You won't find a better environment to complete your Ph.D. in than the one created by the CCB community. The students and faculty support each other through challenges and celebrate achievements together. The Committee on Cancer Biology facilitates a safe learning environment that promotes academic and professional growth through small-group discussions, weekly internal seminars, and stimulating lab atmospheres. The greatest strength of the Committee on Cancer Biology is its ability to create an intimate and rigorous learning environment for its students and faculty.
A course unique to CCB is Readings in Cancer Biology. This 5-week intensive class allows students to dive deep into a faculty's field of study, critique papers, and learn to communicate science in a small group. Students take Readings during the fall and spring quarters of their first year which allows them to learn about a topic they are unfamiliar with or curious about and develop their critical thinking skills. It is my favorite course because I got to know my classmates and faculty members better and saw a drastic improvement in how I analyze information and communicate science. Every Readings course is different and often catered to the student's needs which cannot be replicated in a normal class.
Outside of the CCB community, the University of Chicago offers career advancement services through UChicagoGRAD and myChoice which I actively participate in. What I didn't know before I applied was the ease of finding a cohort outside of CCB. In addition to the friends I have made within CCB, I have been able to reach out to members of the University community who share similar interests as I do. The community within CCB and the University of Chicago in addition to the career resources provided to graduate students made me want to choose CCB.